Synergistic Research Pink Fuse

At Synergistic Research, we routinely make discoveries as we seek to improve the performance of SR products. And when it’s time to develop something completely new, like the new Voodoo Network Streamer / Server, we engineer entirely new technologies capable of elevating each new SR product to an apex market position when compared to the market’s best products; one listen to the Voodoo Network Server confirms it is by far the world’s highest performance network streamer server. And this leads us to the new Pink Fuse.


Synergistic Research Pink Fuse:- At Synergistic Research, we routinely make discoveries as we seek to improve the performance of SR products. And when it’s time to develop something completely new, like the new Voodoo Network Streamer / Server, we engineer entirely new technologies capable of elevating each new SR product to an apex market position when compared to the market’s best products; one listen to the Voodoo Network Server confirms it is by far the world’s highest performance network streamer server.

And this leads us to the new Synergistic Research Pink Fuse. Traditionally, we launch a new state-of-the-art fuse every 24 months, as it typically takes two years to accumulate enough new technology to surpass an outgoing fuse significantly. But as 2023 was coming to an end, we had already rolled all new accumulated technologies into the new Master Fuse launched in February 2023, engineered and voiced to supercharge an otherwise purple fuse loom.

For this reason, we had nothing in reserve capable of warranting a replacement for the purple fuse. So, it remained in our lineup as your main application fuse to be combined with a few Master Fuses in a state-of-the-art fuse loom until we could develop something fundamentally better; fast forward to after the Master Fuse launch, where we have learned a great deal during the development of the new Voodoo server, including an entirely new high voltage conditioning process perfect for a new generation fuse that would maintain the Purple Fuse’s musical warmth but with added resolution and dynamics, combined with enhanced musicality without sounding artificially warm or coloured, with, or without, Master Fuses also in the mix. Fortunately, we were also in the final stages of development for a new flagship product, slated to launch later this year, so it is still top secret, with a new UEF compound that proved perfect for the new Synergistic Research Pink Fuse, giving it a lower noise floor when directly compared to the outgoing purple fuse.

And so, the new Synergistic Research Pink Fuse is born albeit six months late, the child of Voodoo’s high voltage conditioning process, and a new UEF compound first developed for a yet-to-be-announced flagship product that will be, by far, the most expensive product in Synergistic Research’s 32-year history when it lands later this year.

Note:  If you are switching from an orange fuse or purple fuse to a Pink Fuse, start by inserting the pink fuse in the same direction as the Orange/Purple fuse being replaced.  If the Pink fuse is not an immediate improvement, flip the pink fuse in the alternate direction.


5mm x 20mm Slo-blow

100mA 630mA 2A 6.3A
160mA 800mA 2.5A 8A
200mA 1A 3.15A 10A
250mA 125A 4A 12.5A
315mA 1.6A 5A 16A


 5mm x 20mm Fast-blow

50mA 800mA 3.15A 8A
160mA 1A 4A 10A
200mA 1.6A 5A 12.5A
250mA 2A 6.3A 16A
500mA 2.5A


6.3mm x 32mm Slo-blow

250mA 2A 5A 12.5A
500mA 2.5A 6.3A 15A
800mA 3.15A 8A 16A
1A 4A 10A 20A


6.3mm x 32mm Fast-blow

250mA 2A 5A 12.5A
500mA 2.5A 6.3A 15A
800mA 3.15A 8A 16A
1A 4A 10A 20A


Price £250.00


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